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Child Protection Policy

In today's society child abuse and child accusations are occuring daily. Therefore it is important that Child Evangelism Fellowship take steps to protect the children to whom we minister and protect our workers from false accusations.

The Board of Trustees for Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. has adopted the following policy regarding child abuse and the protection of our children.

Child abuse is defined as any verbal or sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or serious physical injury which is not explained by the available medical history as being accidental. Examples of sexual abuse are: rape, incest, sodomy, lewd or lascivious behavior, which includes wrong types of speech or touching. Examples of verbal abuse are: excessive yelling, berating, ridicule, or verbal assault intentionally directed at the child.

Protecting our children

In order to protect the child from abuse and our workers from false accusations, a reasonable effort should be made to take the following steps:

1. All workers (paid and volunteer) should be adequately screened by interview prior to work or contact with minors in CEF® ministries.

2. All paid workers should be trained in the Child Abuse Policies by way of a video presentation approved by CEF-USA ministries department. (It is also recommended to train volunteers with this video.)

3. All workers (paid or volunteer) should read, understand, and sign a statement agreeing to follow the policies and procedures concerning child abuse protection and reporting as prescribed by CEF-USA.

4. Two CEF workers (paid or volunteer) should be present at any overnight CEF activity or ministry setting that would be considered a high isolation situation.

5. All rooms used by adults and minors together should be accessible (no locked doors) and have open visibilty (a window in a door or the door left wide open).

6. Supervisory personnel should make random visits to CEF-sponsored activities.

7. Overnight activities sponsored by CEF involving minors should be approved by the local or state director and local committee or state board.

8. All suspicious or inappropriate behavior between a CEF worker and a minor should be reported to supervisory staff and investigated immediately.

9. When anyone who is employed by Child Evangelism Fellowship has reasonable suspicion that a child is being abused by a CEF employee, or is himself accused, or someone whose actions would reflect on CEF is accused, the following action should be taken: Call CEF-USA within 24 hours of time of incident. Notify the next higher office that this step has been taken.

procedures to follow

By Volunteers: A volunteer who suspects that a child has been abused by a non-CEF staff member or non-CEF volunteer must follow state reporting procedures. If a CEF staff member or volunteer is suspected, he should report the possible abuse to a CEF employee immediately or call CEF-USA. Upon consultation with staff members concerning laws within his state, he should report to the appropriate authorities.

By CEF Employees: Anyone who is employed by Child Evangelism Fellowship who is accused of child abuse or has reasonable suspicion that a child is being abused by a CEF employee or someone whose actions would reflect on CEF is required to take the following action:

1. Record allegations on Home Office Child Abuse Form R-9 in the USA Organizational Manual.

2. Call the USA ministries department at the Home Office within 24 hours of the time of his knowledge of the incident. Phone 1-800-300-4033.

3. Notify the next higher office of the incident.

4. The USA ministries department at the Home Office will take appropriate steps to determine reporting requirements for the state and give counsel regarding the future ministry of the accused staff member or volunteer. Any person suspected of child abuse will voluntarily relinquish or be removed from duties involving direct contact with children until the USA ministries department at the Home Office considers the matter resolved. Any questions dealing with the procedures of handling child abuse or child abuse accusations may be referred to the Child Evangelism Fellowship USA ministries department at 1-800-300-4033. Notwithstanding any statement herein, all CEF staff and volunteers shall fully abide by all state child abuse reporting requirements in effect. For more information, you may contact us here. Someone will respond to your inquiry promptly.

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